Water Service


LCWSC endeavors to supply water throughout Laurens County at the best possible rate while allowing LCWSC to maintain and upgrade its water system to ensure quality drinking water. In doing so, LCWSC faces challenges that many other water providers do not. Like most rural water systems, LCWSC must lay miles of water lines through sometimes sparsely populated areas of the county (Refer to Service Area map PDF). This requires that LCWSC spend more money to supply fewer customers than more densely populated municipal water systems. LCWSC must also constantly negotiate water rates from our suppliers. The LCWSC system was built during a time of declining federal assistance for such projects which means LCWSC must incur a higher debt than many municipal systems.

Unfortunately, the combined challenge of debt and distance between customers generally requires higher water rates than in larger metropolitan areas. However, we strive to keep your rates minimal. Please see a list of comparison rates for neighboring service areas. We feel that a growing rural residential population requires and deserves a good public water system. Plans for more line extensions and improved lines will provide more water to more areas and will improve the county’s standing as an industrial/commercial site. In addition, these upgrades result in improved fire safety and lower homeowner insurance rates by adding a greater number of fire hydrants.  To learn more, click here.

Click here for our Capacity Fees Notice.

Click here for rates and fees.